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Applications of optical radiation in daily life and technology

There are several applications of optical radiation in daily life and technology. Thereby the different characteristics of the various ranges of the radiation are exploited. Infrared radiation serves for heating but also for wireless communication. The so-called blacklight, for example, is an application of UV radiation.

Laser radiation plays a special role since it offers many possibilities of application due to its special physical characteristics. However, special protection measures are necessary because of these exceptional characteristics. Application of UV radiation also requires special precaution.

Laser in daily life and technology

The remarkable properties of laser radiation resulted in many technical applications. It is used in production technology, for measurements, spectroscopy and holography. Laser-shows are very popular but compliance with protection measures is mandatory. Semiconductor lasers also known as laser diodes have important advantages. Therefore low power laser diodes are used in every day life, e.g. in laser pointers, laser printers, and CD/DVD players.

Desk with laptop, desk lamp and so on.

Recommendations for good lighting

Aus den verschiedenen Wirkungen des sichtbaren Lichts lassen sich Empfehlungen ableiten, die man bei der Auswahl der Beleuchtung für verschiedene Bereiche beachten sollte.

Infrared radiation in daily life and technology

Sun and fire are natural IR radiation sources. The radiation of fire mainly consists of infrared radiation causing the heat effects, visible light is insignificant. Practical application of infrared radiation mainly occurs in contactless transformation of heat, for example in the drying and processing of materials.

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