Navigation and service

What we offer

As a higher scientific and technical federal authority, we offer you exciting and challenging tasks as well as the opportunity to participate in socially important issues. We place particular emphasis on a good work-life balance as well as the health and satisfaction of our employees.

In-house training


New employees are primarily trained and supervised by their managers. We also offer a specific onboarding programme to our new employees.

Father and son in homeofficeSource: len44ik/

Balance of work and private life

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has designed the operational framework conditions in such a way that the professional and private requirements of all employees can be balanced in the best possible way.

Group of persons doing yogaSource: fizkes/

Occupational Health Management

It is important to the BfS to protect the health of all employees and to create conditions and services within the framework of the BGM that maintain and promote personal well-being and health.

A woman explains new developments on a flipchart

Personnel development

Our human resources development endeavours to find and retain suitable applicants for our office and to respond to the needs of our employees. Only in this way can the BfS remain viable for the future.

gleiche Chancen für Frauen und Männer mit und ohne Behinderung

Equal opportunities at the BfS

  • Gender equality
  • People with disabilities
  • Cultural Diversity

Site information and functions

© Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz