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The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) attaches greatest importance to arousing interest in the subject of radiation protection in all its facets at an early stage. Not after young people have finished their training or studies, but long before that. Learn more about the possibilities of getting to know the topic of radiation protection and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection as an employer.


Are you studying science and interested in radiation protection? The BfS offers various possibilities to deepen your interest and thus to shape your career. You can apply for an internship at the BfS or write your thesis. Come to one of our public events and use the opportunity to get information about BfS topics and make first contacts.


You cannot smell it, you cannot see it, you cannot hear it. In order to make the "mystery" of radiation tangible, especially for younger people, we offer various possibilities for getting acquainted with the subject and complementing scientific theory with practical activities.

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© Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz