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Completed research projects

In this section, you will find completed research projects on social aspects of radiation protection.

Graphic: Woman at the screen explains the situation to participants in a video conference

On-line crisis communication in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic - Lessons for BfS crisis communication

As part of the radiation protection research program, the Risk Dialogue Foundation and the bidding consortium C3 team GbR and Süddeutsches Institut für empirische Sozialforschung e. V. online crisis communication in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The project, commissioned by the Federal Environment Ministry, has been completed.

Illustration: When radiation is mentioned, one man thinks of the sun, another man thinks of radioactive particles, yet another man thinks of mobile phones, one woman thinks of nuclear power plants, and another woman thinks of electricity grids.

What does Germany think about radiation? – Survey 2022

Im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms Strahlenschutz des Bundesumweltministeriums erfasste die GIM - Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung GmbH den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit ausgewählten Strahlenthemen. Fachlich begleitet wurde die Studie vom BfS.

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