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Completed research projects

In this section you will find the completed research projects on the use of ionizing radiation and radioactive substances in medicine.

Phantom einer Schwangeren im CT

Development and evaluation of 3D-printed phantoms

Anthropomorphic phantoms can replicate the human body. They allow the measurement of image quality and dose distribution. As part of a doctoral thesis, a doctoral student at the BfS developed a process for creating 3D printed phantoms.

Patient lying on CT scannerSource: REB Images via Getty Images

Benefit-risk assessment of lung cancer screening for (ex-)smokers using low-dose CT

Structured lung cancer early detection using low-dose computed tomography (CT) scans can reduce mortality from lung cancer in smokers and former smokers. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) came to this conclusion in a benefit-risk assessment.

Woman getting radiotherapy against breast cancerSource: Mark Kostich via Getty Images

Recording the frequency of radiotherapy in Germany

In accordance with section 125(3) of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV), the BfS determines the medical radiation exposure (frequency and dose) of the population and selected population groups at least every two years. This official task focuses on recording diagnostic radiation applications. However, no detailed information was available regarding therapeutic radiation applications prior to completion of the research project. A research project should provide data.

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