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Completed research projects

In this section, you will find completed research projects on the effects and risks of ionizing radiation.

Estimation of the probability of causation of cancer cases by occupational radiation exposure

The Institute for Radiation Protection at Helmholtz Zentrum München developed the computer program ProZES on behalf of the Federal Environment Ministry. The computer program estimates the probability that a case of cancer was caused by previous occupational radiation exposure. The research project was supervised by the BfS. The development took place in three successive research projects.


European radiobiology archives (ERA)

The European Radiobiological Archives are a BfS service function for radiobiological research. Information and data from past animal experiments are made available to the scientific community.

Leukaemia development in the case of low-dose radiation exposure in a mouse model

Influence of low-dose radiation on leukaemia development

As part of the Federal Environment Ministry's radiation protection research program, the Düsseldorf University Hospital investigated the influence of low concentration ionizing radiation on the development of leukemia. The project was supported by the BfS.

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