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Specialist information ("Fachinfothek")

The "Fachinfothek" (compilation of technical information) is a compilation of in-depth information on the topic "Enhanced natural environmental radioactivity by human impact". The major part of the information can be downloaded. Links enable access to further information from other sources, for whose accuracy BfS does not assume responsibility, however.

Legal bases for the handling of enhanced natural environmental radioactivity by human impact

Legal bases for the handling of enhanced natural environmental radioactivity by human impact

Recommendations and Directive

The following is an overview of the first science-based recommendations for dealing with the consequences of uranium mining and a guideline for further control of the remediation process.

Project "Radiological registration, examination and evaluation of mining relics (Register of Relics)"

From 1991 to 1999, the BfS carried out the project "Radiological Registration, Investigation and Evaluation of Mining Relics (Register of Relicts)". In this project, the uranium mining relics no longer owned by Wismut GmbH and the relics of historical mining were systematically registered, examined and radiologically evaluated.

BfS-guideline on the examination and radiological evaluation of mining relics

The BfS has been developing the "Guideline on the examination and radiological evaluation of mining relics" with the objective to enable future decisions about the remediation of mining relics according to standardised, scientifically founded, economically appropriate and transparent rules.

Calculation Guide for the Determination of Radiation Exposure due to Mining-caused Environmental Radioactivity (Calculation Guide Mining)

The "Calculation Guide Mining" is intended to determine mining-caused radiation exposure of members of the public and of workers. It is applicable for the use, decommissioning, remediation, and reuse of mining facilities and installations as well as for the use, remediation, and reuse of land contaminated as a result of mining activities.

Measuring instructions for the monitoring of radionuclides in the environment

Measuring instructions for the monitoring of radioactive substances in the environment and external radiation are published by the Federal Environment Ministry (BMUV). The instructions describe sampling and analysis procedures and have been developed by the Coordinating Offices of the Federal Government.

Investigations on the topic "relics"

Here are the most of the investigations that BfS initiated on the topic "relics" financed by the program REFOPLAN.

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